Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 Off and Running, But First...

There are several blogs I visit daily. I see people put up their pictures, and then I saw more and more people putting up video collages set to music, and I thought to myself: Self.. there has to be an easy way to do this! And then my dear friend Emily sends a notice out that she has posted a video on her blog. How strange I was thinking about doing this a few days ago, and she does the same thing? Must be ESP, EMFs, EVPs, ohh wait that is from all those paranormal shows.

I know so many people who were looking forward to 2010, even way back on January 2, 2009 they were ready to embrace 2010. It was a hard year for so many, including many ups and downs even in our home. But, the week before Christmas, the original five Fenders, along with their kids, and husbands, and a couple of cats gathered in the ‘Ville for Christmas festivities. Before 2010 gets too far gone, here is a look back at that week.

Christmas 2009 from Cary Bonner on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Oh you did a great job! And your gingerbread houses were adorable!!
