Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Wednesday Back In January

Two days prior to THAT Wednesday, I was not feeling good. I had the headache from Hell I could not get rid of. Mind you, headaches are not uncommon for me, but I couldn’t really blame this particular headache on one thing or another. I went on about my day, I really was tired of laying around begging the pain to just let me be. That night I made dinner, and I remember just as I was finishing putting everything together, I looked at it, and thought, “I cannot eat this.” Straight to the bath-tub, pajamas and bed I went. Wednesday morning, I got up, still not feeling right. Now I think I have the flu. After all, it’s January. But I wasn’t running a fever. I woke Robert up early that morning, and told him I didn’t feel “right.” Like something was off. He said it was probably because I’ve had a bad headache for two days. After he left for work, I decided to go shopping at Wal-Greens.

What I came home with were three different types of home pregnancy tests, all with two or three testers. First one, negative. Second one, different brand, negative. Third one, different brand:


So now on top of my feeling like I have the flu, now I felt like I was going to pass out. I decided I couldn’t rely on a home pregnancy test, after all, two were saying NO WAY, and one was saying, YEAH BABY! I called my doctor and they said I should go get a blood test, because there would be no denying that result. So I go get a blood test and beg for a stat result, and they laugh and tell me they’ll know the following day. For the next 24 hours, I tee’d on four more sticks, and none of them could make up their minds if I was with child or not.

So I wait, and wait and wait. I don’t do waiting very well. Finally at 3PM, I found out, we’re going to have a baby. Robert was over the moon. I was in shock, pure shock. I was told a long time ago that it wouldn’t be easy for me to have a child and if I did conceive, the chance of miscarriage was quite high. I slowly made the phone calls to our immediate family, but I decided the rest of the world would just have to wait a while. For the next couple of days, I worried, I panicked, I cried. A lot. I didn’t want to get attached, but who was I kidding? I was already attached before I even got the phone call telling me the what the blood work showed, because you just know. Finally during one of my meltdowns, Robert sweetly looked at me and said: “If you want to go by what doctors have told you your entire life, then you need to accept that according to them, you should of never gotten pregnant. Sometimes, doctors are wrong.” I wiped the tears off my face, and said OK, and that was the end of the panic.

Three weeks later we went to my first OB appointment, and I couldn’t even look at the screen while my doctor was doing the ultrasound. But I heard clicking, and I thought to myself, “OK she found something.” And then she says this:

“Well, we have a bit of a surprise. Take a look at the screen.” I didn’t have to look at the screen. I so knew what that meant. Hello, I have twin sisters. So I say to her, “TWINS?!” And when I looked at the screen I see two sacs, one that has a tiny lil peanut, and the other one, I didn’t a peanut. Now I’m confused. She explained to Robert and I we had one sac that had a baby growing right on schedule, and while I had a second sac, she didn’t detect a fetal pole, and called this a vanishing twin. She told us this wouldn’t interfere with the pregnancy, and that we should expect a singleton pregnancy. She proceeded with the scan and we saw this tiny flicker and heard a beautiful strong heartbeat.

Lil Bit at 6 weeks 6 days:

Lil Bit at 11 weeks 6 days:

Lil Bit at 13 weeks 1 day:

So here we are 16 weeks later, and everything is going just as it should. I’ve been amazed how fast Lil Bit is growing. I’ve been told “uneventful” and “boring” are words you want to hear from these baby doctors. So when people ask how I’ve been doing so far, my answers are just that: I’m fine and things are uneventful and boring, just the way I like it.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww lovely story! You'll be a great mom! So happy for you!!!
