Friday, June 11, 2010

Conversations with Elliot

We recently got a Flip to save and perserve all of our craziness on CD. And since Lil Bit isn't here yet, Elliot has been our guinea pig. Emma doesn't like to be on camera so much.

Elliot and Robert have this nightly ritual. He jumps in bed hoping to get a bite or two of whatever Robert is eating. Usually it's yogurt. And they talk to each other. Except Elliot doesn't really talk back. But the looks on the cat's face are pretty priceless, and you have to wonder what he's thinking. I know what he's thinking. It has be to along the lines of "Dude, you are crazy with a capital C."

So last night, here comes Elliot, and Robert managed to get a conversation with him on tape. Some things I noticed while watching the clip:

1. I thought the clutter was much better around our TV. It's not, and the dresser needs to be completely cleaned off again.

2. We really need to paint our bedroom. And we need new interior doors that are painted white. But the fumes would make me throw up. Robert are you reading this?

3. We need some wall art in here. The walls look sad.

4. I apologize for my hackling in the background. I hate my voice, and my laugh. I have no idea how people on the news listen to themselves back.

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